Steps on how to “Post a mjob” on Aflaq


Step 1 – Sign In to Aflaq

Signin or join Aflaq


Step 2 – Sign in with Email or social logins

Signin Email



Step 3 – Confirm Email Credentials

confirm email credentials



Step 4 – Dashboard

After signing in , the first screen you see is Aflaq user dashboard.

Aflaq is responsive depending on the screen size.

The Post a mjob button location varies depending on the size of the user’s computer window.

On full screen it appears as below:


Aflaq post a mjob screen


“Post a mjob” button appears in 2 places in Aflaq dashboard. you can use any of the buttons to submit your microjob.


Aflaq post a mjob


“Post a mjob” is always available in “My Jobs” section irrespective of your screen size.




On smaller computer window screens or mobile displays, the “Post a mjob” button appears as below:



Aflaq mobile posta a mjob